Corby flasher put on sex offender register after exposing himself to woman at night

Northampton Magistrates' Court.Northampton Magistrates' Court.
Northampton Magistrates' Court.
He was found guilty by magistrates

A flasher who went up to a woman at night in Corby and exposed himself has been put on the register for sex offenders.

Ilie Nedelcu, 37, was spotted on CCTV approaching single women in the town at about 2.30am on February 16 last year.

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When he was in Lloyds Road he went up to a lone woman and exposed himself before fleeing.

Nedelcu, of Rossetti Road, was later arrested and charged with exposure.

He denied the crime but was found guilty by magistrates in April.

This month, at Northampton Magistrates' Court, Nedelcu was put on the register for sex offenders for five years and told he will to notify with police in Wellingborough.

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He was also sentenced to a community order with rehabilitation activities and 150 hours of unpaid work.

A decision on whether to make a sexual harm prevention order will be made at a hearing next month.

Nedelcu will have to pay costs of £620 and a surcharge to fund victim services of £95.