Corby man given suspended sentence for harassing woman over phone, text, Whatsapp and voicenotes

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He carried out the five-week campaign against a local woman

A Corby man has appeared before a court to admit the harassment of a local woman.

Daniel Sludden, 35, appeared before magistrates on Monday (June 21) and pleaded guilty to repeatedly sending texts and Whatsapps and leaving voice messages and notes that were abusive and threatening in nature between October 12 and November 18 last year.

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Sludden, of Greenhill Rise, Corby, also admitted the possession of 63g of cannabis.

He was given a four month prison sentence, suspended for two years, and ordered to take part in the building better relationships programme. He was given a five-year restraining order and ordered to pay £293 in costs and fees.

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