Meet the new High Sheriff of Northamptonshire who wants to focus her voluntary work on young people

Amanda Lowther has been appointed as the new High Sheriff of Northamptonshire.Amanda Lowther has been appointed as the new High Sheriff of Northamptonshire.
Amanda Lowther has been appointed as the new High Sheriff of Northamptonshire.
The new High Sheriff is planning to work with a number of charities and organisations that support young people

A new High Sheriff has been appointed for Northamptonshire and will remain in place for the next 12 months.

Amanda Lowther officially made her declaration as High Sheriff on Wednesday (March 31) taking over from Paul Parsons, who previously occupied the role.

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Every county across the country has a High Sheriff and the role is the oldest royal appointment to still be in existence.

The main aim of the appointed personnel is to support the judiciary, police and emergency services, however 21st century High Sheriffs also play a different role in terms of involvement in voluntary work.

Amanda, who has lived in the county for 33 years, was nominated by a former High Sheriff around three years ago, so has had time to prepare for her year-long stint.

The new High Sheriff said: “I feel so honoured to have been asked to be the High Sheriff.

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“Having seen what the people before me have achieved, I have a challenge ahead of me, but I want to fulfill the role and represent the Queen well.

“The role is an ancient role, which dates back to the 12th century. There have been hundreds of High Sheriffs and I’m the last in a long, long line.

“The main role is to support the judiciary, emergency services and crime prevention, but the modern day High Sheriff also supports the voluntary sector to bring endorsement to people doing wonderful things to make other people’s lives better.”

During the next year, Amanda hopes to support charities and organisations that support young people.

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She added: “I want to help support young people, from school age onwards.

“University leavers have not had a good year as there are not many jobs out there for them at the moment.

“School children during their last year have had a hard time of it and little children haven’t been able to go to school much or experience what school is like.

“I also want to support young people with learning disabilities who want to get out into the world and get a job.

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“Last year was such an extraordinary year, it must have been like no other for the previous High Sheriff.

“This year will hopefully be a lot better.”

Specifically, Amanda is planning to work with The Goed Life charity, which helps people with learning disabilities to find employment.

As well as her commitment to voluntary work, Amanda is also hoping to work alongside the Lord Lieutenant of Northamptonshire to keep the county united as the local authorities split into West Northamptonshire and North Northamptonshire.

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