Young people given a chance to have their voices heard in Corby

Hearts of Young People young ambassadors: Maya Lynch (15) (left), Kelly Kuziva (16) (middle), and Prince Kashkelee Kevin Junior Aird (17) (right)Hearts of Young People young ambassadors: Maya Lynch (15) (left), Kelly Kuziva (16) (middle), and Prince Kashkelee Kevin Junior Aird (17) (right)
Hearts of Young People young ambassadors: Maya Lynch (15) (left), Kelly Kuziva (16) (middle), and Prince Kashkelee Kevin Junior Aird (17) (right)
The shop will be open all week (August 1 to August 5) from 1pm to 7pm

Youngsters are being invited to take part in a networking opportunity in Corby town centre led by local youth group, Hearts of Young People.

The week-long initiative (August 1 to August 5, 1pm to 7pm) is being supported by community support groups, youth agencies, police, as well as the housing and the voluntary sector.

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A group effort, the initiative has been put together by Sharlene Lynch of Hearts of Young People, Karen Cudby of The Prince’s Trust, and deputy mayor of Corby, Cllr Leanne Buckingham.

From left to right, Sharlene Lynch, Maya Lynch, Kelly Kuziva, Prince Kashkelee Kevin Junior Aird, and Cllr Leanne BuckinghamFrom left to right, Sharlene Lynch, Maya Lynch, Kelly Kuziva, Prince Kashkelee Kevin Junior Aird, and Cllr Leanne Buckingham
From left to right, Sharlene Lynch, Maya Lynch, Kelly Kuziva, Prince Kashkelee Kevin Junior Aird, and Cllr Leanne Buckingham

The focus of the initiative is on not only signposting young people to appropriate organisations but, most importantly gathering their views on what the wants and needs of young people in the town are.

Sharlene said: “Young people are more capable and intelligent than we realise but they’re often forgotten about. We need to help them have the future that they want.”

Leanne said: “We’re here to get their understanding. We are the gatekeepers of their future so we’ve come together to see what they want and need because I can’t remember the last time we asked them to tell us.”

Karen said: “We are the wind beneath their wings.”

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Northampton Saints FoundationNorthampton Saints Foundation
Northampton Saints Foundation

At the launch of the initiative, partners were invited to attend a networking lunch on Monday, August 1.

They brought with them promotional materials including flyers and merchandise to leave at the venue for the duration of the week.

Partners included Northampton Saints Foundation, Youth Works, Safer Corby team, Department for Work and Pensions, Jobcentre, Northamptonshire Sport, Northamptonshire Police, Hope Church Corby, Northamptonshire Children's Trust, and PA Housing.

Each partner has been asked if they can cover a two-hour slot during the week to ensure there is always someone present when young people drop in to give their views, giving them a great chance to engage directly with some of the local young people.

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Safer Corby teamSafer Corby team
Safer Corby team

The young ambassadors for Hearts of Young People, will be in the town centre with branded t-shirts throughout the week promoting the event and getting their peers along to give their views and see what opportunities are available locally.

Young ambassador, Kelly Kuziva said: “We’re here to get young people involved who don’t get to say what they want.”

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