Weldon man hoping to take Britain's best classic car title

Steve in the car with wife Kelly.Steve in the car with wife Kelly.
Steve in the car with wife Kelly.
A VW fan from Weldon is taking his 1958 Beetle to the UK's biggest classic car show to compete for the ultimate in classic car honours.

Steve Lawrie has made the final 16 in the Meguiar’s Club Showcase at the Lancaster Insurance Classic Motor Show in Birmingham from November 11 to 13.

By his own admission, Mr Lawrie is a serial fan of all things Volkswagen, but his latest car is the result of seven years of hard work.

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He said: “It was pretty grim, just like you’d expect for an old Beetle, really! It needed a full restoration.”

Despite having put almost a decade’s worth of work into the project, Steve never intended to take the car on to the awards circuit.

He added: “I wasn’t built to win trophies, but the project just evolved.

“I went up to the Volksworld show last year and really enjoyed it.

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“I entered the car this year and it’s amazing to be asked.”

While it might have taken top honours at the Volksworld show, Steve’s not afraid to use the car.

He said: “It’s built to be used and driven – it’s definitely not a trailer queen.”

The Beetle will be one of 16 classics up for the title, along with cars as diverse and iconic as the Beetle, the Mini and the Porsche 911, with the winner to be announced by TV’s Wheeler Dealer Mike Brewer on the Sunday.