Wellingborough park's past to be brought to life on stage

Castle Fields in Wellingborough back in the dayCastle Fields in Wellingborough back in the day
Castle Fields in Wellingborough back in the day
Tales from times gone by will be told as part of a project to celebrate and share the history of people who live near a popular park.

The Castle Fields Community Group (CFCG) in Wellingborough received some money from Northamptonshire Community Foundation several months ago to gather stories from the history of the park and those living nearby.

Once the memories, recollections and tales had been collected and collated, the task was to turn them into a play for members of the community to enjoy.

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Marion Turner-Hawes from CFCG said: “Throughout the spring and summer Bev and Karon have been working away on this and have gathered together many stories, held six workshops and we now have a script to perform in Castle Fields Park later this month.”
The play has been entitled ‘A Story of Castle Fields’ and performances will be on Saturday, August 20, and Sunday, August 21, at 3pm and 4pm respectively by the bandstand.

Marion added: “We have a mixed band of performers from around the area, some you’ll recognise and some you won’t, who all keenly await the chance to share some of the stories of ‘our home’ with you.

“As ever with events in the park this requires a team effort to pull off so it would be great if any of you have time available on either or both days to help us put on a show.”

Volunteers are needed to help with a number of jobs, including putting out chairs on the bandstand, helping with drinks and selling raffle tickets, overseeing the group’s information and history display, and ushers for the performances.

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It is hoped that people will also volunteer to help clear up the site afterwards and pick up any litter.

Anyone who would like to volunteer to help or would like more information about the group can call Marion on 01933 381467.

For more details about the group and its work at the park, search for Castle Fields Community Group on Facebook.